

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Prayer Talk

Y'all are going to think that I'm high while I write this because it's kind of out there, but I just thought about something I never have before.

What do prayers look like? What do they sound like? What do they feel like?
(I'm asking God)
I just wonder.
So He hears us all, he listens & comprehends, he sometimes speaks to us too...
Is there a giant switchboard in heaven?
A light for everyone that blinks when we say his name maybe.
Or do angels keep track of them?
I figure that he hears me instantaneously. (duh)
He knows what I am going to pray about before I do.
But is it some kind of energy?
If we could see the supernatural world around us (first of all would be terrifying, angels & demons at battle, no thank you) would we be able to see a prayer?
Would we glow like the people on that old TV show "Touched by an Angel"?
Does a little wisp of smoke float silently towards heaven?

I only thought of this because today is the 11th anniversary of the terrorist attack on the twin towers.
I started thinking about the tragedy & all the people it affected.
It occurred to me that more people probably prayed that day than on a usual day.
People that never pray or rarely pray or don't even believe in praying.
And then I wonder how that makes God feel.
Because he always wants to hear  from us, he wants to talk to us, he loves us & wants to be part of our lives.
So to have people that scorn him or ignore him acknowledge him for the first time...was he glad to hear from them even though it was because of grief?
I think the answer is yes.
I know the answer is yes.

But I just wonder if heaven felt different that day.
If all the prayers from all the people sent this surge of energy flying into the atmosphere.
Even though there was a horrific event on earth, was heaven a buzz because of massive amounts of prayer?
God, all knowing & omnipotent, knew what was going to transpire.
He only had the right proportions of compassion & healing to offer to those that suffered & still suffer.
Was he glad that more people than usual turned to him for help?
It was right of them to do so.

I know this is a weird post.
I get that.
And I don't have answers.
No one alive does (but I'm pretty confident that we can rule out my 'giant switchboard' theory).
Maybe this all sounds silly & childish, but I'm putting it out here anyways.

Today I am praying for all the families who lost their loved ones on 9/11.
Never forget.

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