

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Free Indeed.

Being loved by Christ has set me free.
Free from:

...trying to earn love from others.
 ...believing the lie that I am not & never will be, deserving of love.
 ...pleasing those whose opinions matter terribly to me.
 ...the guilt of not living up to my own absurdly high expectations of myself.
 ...following all the rules.
 ...settling for a conventional, secure lifestyle.
 ...things. More and better and more and better and more and better, things.
 ...believing that I am what I weight.
 ...looking at myself in the mirror and NEVER loving what looked back at me.
 ...letting others tell me who I am.
 ...hardening my heart to those who have hurt me.
...following the crowd.
...the myth that perfection is achievable and worth aiming for.
...I must always be doing something.
...that I must change before being worthy of Grace.
...the fear of being alone.
...the desire to be the best at all costs.
...fear of the unknown.
...shame of past mistakes.
...envy & comparison.
...the weight of living in this world.
...darkness. past, my present, my future sin
...the law
...anxiety about literally everything
...a hurried attitude
...pride in good works
...and a host of other things

Whenever these things creep into my soul & attempt to paralyze me or change me back into the old me, I wrangle the lies down & force my eyes to the truths offered to me in the Word.
Christ set me free & the shackles of Earth & sin bind me no more.